A Compilation of Messages On Hebrews - 8 Message Audio Series
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The following is a compilation of messages done on the book of Hebrews at a couple of different locations. The book of Hebrews was written to Hebrews in the first century about crossing over out of an old covenant age and into a new covenant age. The word Hebrews comes from a root word that means to cross over. In the Old Testament they crossed over the Red Sea and the Jordan River into a promise land. In the new covenant they were crossing over out of the spiritual bondage of law and legalism, and into the promised land of rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ. They were living in the last days of the old covenant and learning how to navigate the new day that was dawning. The writer of Hebrews gives these incredible treaties of what is better about the new covenant in comparison to the old. The old was natural and the new is spiritual. The old had a physical tabernacle, priesthood, promise land, sacrifices, etc. The new has a spiritual tabernacle, a promise land called rest, with better promises, a better priesthood with better blood and better everything. They had pressure coming from their loved ones, religious leaders and the Romans that were trying to get them to go back to the old covenant. The writer of Hebrews writes this book so that our hearts might be established in grace.