A Redemptive Look At Revelation Full Set- 138 Message Flash Drive
The book of Revelation is not about bugs as big as Volkswagens or godzilla monsters rising from the sea, it is a Revelation of Jesus Christ and His work. "In the volume of the book it is written of Him". Should it surprise us that the book whose title tells us it is about Him really be about His redemptive work? Dr. Hiles taught this series from the viewpoint of His redemptive work in the studio on his program " That You Might Have Life". In this series he deals with chapters 01-22 of "The Book of Revelation". This is the only book of the Bible that has a built in promise of blessing to those who read and understand the prophecy written there in. This view is not scary, it is the glorious conclussion of God's eternal purpose. You will be blessed and changed! This is138, 26miniute Messages