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Part 01 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished


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Part 02 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished


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Part 03 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished work. It's

How Do I Live The Christian Life - 4 Message Audio Series

How Do I Live The Christian Life - 4 Message Audio Series

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How Do I Live The Christian Life - 4 MP3 Audio Download Series
How Do I Live The Christian Life - 4 CD Audio Series

MP3 DOWNLOADS will need a desktop or laptop computer to download these files as they come in a .zip file which you will need to unpack to be able to use with your computer, tablet or smart device.

Hail you are highly favored! These words were delivered to Mary by the angel of God. She tossed in her mind what manner of salutation this was because for hundreds of years the message was one of judgment and curse under the old covenant. But now with the coming of a savior it was about to change to one of favor. God is once again declaring a message of grace and favor and many are asking the same question what kind of message is this? When the message came to Mary you will give birth to the son of God her question was, “how can this thing be”? Without knowing a man it was impossible. The answer is very simple, the Holy Ghost! He is the answer to many of our questions. How do I live the Christian life? How can I express the nature of God? How can I overcome my problems? THE HOLY GHOST!!! This practical series will take the pressure off performance and show you how to trust in the power of the Holy Ghost to change your life.