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Part 01 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished


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Part 02 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished


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Part 03 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished work. It's

I Will Give You Rest- 3 Message Audio Series

I Will Give You Rest- 3 Message Audio Series

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I Will Give You Rest- 3 MP3 Audio Download Series
I Will Give You Rest- 3 CD Audio Series

MP3 DOWNLOADS will need a desktop or laptop computer to download these files as they come in a .zip file which you will need to unpack to be able to use with your computer, tablet or smart device.

From the lips of our Savior come the words, “Come unto me all of you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” These refreshing words still ignite hope in the hearts of many who have been on the religious treadmill of performance-based religion. The audience to whom Jesus preached these messages was not drug dealers or prostitutes on the street, but people who had been bound by a religious system all their lives. If the words above from the message Bible describe you, then this series is a must have for you.