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Part 01 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished


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Part 02 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished


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Part 03 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished work. It's

Miracles of the Sabbath - 6 Message Audio Series

Miracles of the Sabbath - 6 Message Audio Series

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Miracles of the Sabbath - 6 MP3 Audio Download Series
Miracles of the Sabbath - 6 CD Audio Series

MP3 DOWNLOADS will need a desktop or laptop computer to download these files as they come in a .zip file which you will need to unpack to be able to use with your computer, tablet or smart device.

The miracles Jesus did on the Sabbath are prophetic pictures of what flows from the finished work of Christ. The Sabbath is more than just a day; it is a person. The Father and the Son go to work as we enter into rest. Rest does not suggest inactivity, only that real work is done by the Spirit as we learn what it means to flow from rest. This is a powerful life changing series.