The Eschatology of Grace & the Kingdom - 6 Message Audio Series
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Timing is everything... Most if not all of our scriptures that deal with the last days are not dealing with the last days of this age, but the closing days of the old covenant. We must lose our last day mentality to receive a new day mentality. Both Daniel and Habakkuk did not deal with the end of time but with the time of the end. This series answers the question, “the time of the end of what?” It was the time of the end of law and the birthing of the age of grace. They were talking about moving from being governed by laws of the mosaic system to being governed by the Holy Spirit in the kingdom of God with the currency being grace and faith. The mixing of the two covenants is what causes great confusion when we are dealing with questions concerning things like, the wrath of God and coming judgments. What this series addresses is that those judgments that many think are still in their future are in fact in their past. We will either be problem oriented or answer oriented. The vehicle that God has chosen to bring about change in the earth is a church empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are to be the salt and the light in the world. This series gives serious answers to many questions.