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Part 01 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished


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Part 02 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished


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Part 03 Filmed in the Studio - Dr. Lynn Hiles and his son Jeremy Hiles discuss the book of Revelation in light of redemption and God's finished work. It's

The Life of the Coming Age - 4 Message Audio Series

The Life of the Coming Age - 4 Message Audio Series

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The Life of the Coming Age - 4 CD Audio Series

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Eternal life is more than just a ticket to heaven when you die. The word eternal comes from a Greek word that can be translated as age. While I do believe that eternal life includes going to heaven, I also believe it also was used by Jesus to talk about the life of the coming age. That age was the age of the new covenant that we now stand in. Eternal life is defined by Jesus as a relationship of knowing the Father. God offered the children of Israel under Moses, a personal relationship but the people forfeited that relationship for the mediator system. God wanted to make a whole nation of priests out of the children of Israel. But, the people said to Moses we’re afraid of Him. You go talk to Him and whatever He says to you we will do it. When you do not have relationship you must have rules. That is how the old covenant was established. However, in the new covenant we are a chosen generation, and a royal priesthood, and we are no longer servants, we are sons. God has restored us to a personal relationship and we can now enjoy the life of the age.