Grace Leadership Conference 2016 - 6 Message Audio Series
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For those who have been involved for any length of time in the message of grace, sooner or later the question concerning the wrath of God and of the end times will ultimately surface. The questions come not only from our congregations, but from leaders who are looking for answers as well. In this first leadership only conference, Dr. Hiles tackled some of the hard questions concerning eschatology. In session number one, Dr. Hiles shows that the last days are not in our future, they are in our past. The Scriptures dealing with the last days are dealing with the last days of the old covenant. The interpretation must be covenantal and not cosmic. Context, audience relevance, time texts and proper hermeneutics will clearly show a historical fulfillment of many texts that we thought were in the future. In session number two, the time-line of Daniel's 70 weeks were dealt with showing that the seven year tribulation was fulfilled in the first century. In session number three, the coming of the Lord, and the resurrection of the dead, and the timing of the last trumpet were dealt with. In the final session, the new heaven and the new earth and the present reign of Jesus Christ and His ongoing work of redemption through His ever-increasing kingdom was addressed. This series will restore the hope, purpose, and vision of the church through a victorious eschatology. Please note that this series was taught on a leadership level.