The Mountain's Been Removed - 4 CD Audio Series
Faith as a grain of a mustard seed is all that is required to move mountains. The mustard seed is defined in the Scripture as Kingdom faith. The Kingdom replaced the Law of Moses. Jesus cursed a fig tree which is a picture of man's efforts to try to make himself holy. After that, he says you can say to this mountain be removed and it shall be cast into the sea. Is it possible that the mountain that needs to be removed is Mount Sinai? In the book of Revelation, there's a great mountain that burns with fire that is cast into the sea. The book of Hebrews defines this mountain burning with fire as Sinai, the place where the law was given. Galatians says that the law is not faith; in fact it shuts up faith. Perhaps it is time that we say to this mountain of man's efforts, to be cast into the sea of forgetfulness and watch our faith skyrocket into the unlimited. This incredible series will definitely cause your faith to be activated.