The Way of Grace & The Walk of Faith - 4 Message Audio Series
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The gospel is both objective and subjective. The objective side of the gospel is what God did in Christ without any human help “I call this the way of grace”. Grace is God's sovereign initiative, it is his free gift. The subjective side of the gospel is man's response by faith to what God has freely supplied through grace. This involves man's free will. Over emphasis on either side will result in error. If we overemphasize sovereignty and grace without the balance of faith, you will become spiritual couch potatoes and which produces loose living in our lives. If we over emphasize faith and man's will, we will end up with formulas, works and labor. Both grace and faith held in a careful tension together will produce “whole put together lives”. Faith can only access what grace has provided. For we access this grace by faith. Our message must remain balanced. The cross must be the center of our message. If we get too far to the left or too far to the right of our doctrines we find a thief that hangs there. This series will help you in the practical application of everyday life.