Unforced Rhythms of Grace - Book
A careful study of Hebrews 4 will cause the reader to conclude that the Promised Land is more than just a piece of real estate. It is faith in Christ and His finished work that brings us into this incredible Promised Land called rest. Christ is the fulfillment of all the promises that God made to the fathers. In Christ, all of God’s promises are “yes and amen.” It is from the posture of rest that there is a steady outflow of milk and honey. Resting in Christ does not mean that we become spiritual couch potatoes. It simply means that everything that flows from our lives is a result of Him working in us and living His life through us. We are utterly dependent upon Him. Without Him we can do nothing. With Him we can do all things. A land that flows with milk and honey is the abundant life at every level. It is the good life physically and spiritually. Get ready to experience that life now as you read the pages of this book.